Group report for Intro to Engineering and Public Policy: If Amazon’s HQ2 were to come to Pittsburgh, it would bring in an influx of 50,000 new full-time employees and promises $5 billion in investment in the community.​ Amazon is seeking a headquarters space of over 8 million square feet and Pittsburgh has two prospective locations that fit their requirements: ​Hazelwood Green and Pittsburgh’s former State Correctional Institution (SCI)​ ​(Amazon, 2017). Amazon’s potential HQ2 employees, Pittsburgh city officials, and the current residents of Pittsburgh will all…Continue Reading “Amazon HQ2 and Pittsburgh’s Climate Action Plan”

Paper for course about Germany and the European Union: Germany is indisputably one of the most important nations on the modern world stage. Germany is not only an economic juggernaught that supports the Euro with its financial might, but also a political powerhouse in every relevant international body. In order to fully understand the contours of contemporary German foreign policy, it is necessary to first explore the basic tenants of pre-reunification German foreign policy. This will provide a framework through which I will analyze the…Continue Reading “The Balancing Act: Continuity and change in contemporary German foreign policy”