I recently made some structural changes to the website which will enable me to seamlessly integrate new website content in the future. Specifically, I removed all of the submenus and created general pages for projects and portfolios that each link to separate content pages. This way, I’ll have the flexibility to add new kinds of portfolios to the website in the future. I’ll also be able to easily update you regarding new long-term projects and research foci. My goal is to keep this website and…Continue Reading “The Long Game”

I’m down in Florida for Christmas this year, and while I enjoy the warm weather, it’s time for a quick update! I’ve started adding content to most of the pages on this website. Over the past few weeks, I’ve also expanded the menu to better encapsulate some of my previous work. The “About Me” page is taking shape nicely, and it should be finished in the next few days. Also, I’m going to add social media links later today. Merry Christmas! – Jake

Welcome! I’m going to use this first blog post to briefly introduce my new website. First and foremost, “It’s Me, Jake” will showcase my work in website design, cinematography/video editing, data science, graphic design, and more. This website will also house online content for my ongoing projects and businesses. Finally, it will also be a portal for any online resources that I’m hosting (ex: Rstudio server). Content-wise, the site looks pretty bare right now, but over the next few weeks, I’ll start to fill in…Continue Reading “My First Post”